Getting Started#
Choose Operation Module#
diffqc provides multiple operation modules (aka. dense
and sparse
These modules provide same functionality with different internal implementation.
If you don’t have special needs, we recommend to use dense
and to rename it for possible future replacement.
from diffqc import dense as op
Create Quantum State and Apply Quantum Gate#
Initial |00...0>
state can be created by op.zeros(nqubits, dtype)
import jax.numpy as jnp
from diffqc import dense as op
nqubits = 5
q = op.zeros(nqubits, jnp.complex64)
Quantum gate operations (e.g. PauliX
, Hadamard
) take such
quantum state, wire positions, and parameters (if exists), then
return the new quantum state.
q = op.PauliX(q, (0,))
# |10000>
q = op.Hadamard(q, (1,))
# (|10000> + |11000>)/sqrt(2)
q = op.CNOT(q, (1, 2))
# (|10000> + |11100>)/sqrt(2)
These quantum gate operations are executed immediately. Gate decomposition and/or optimization is out of scope in this project.
Expectation of Measurement#
Expectation value at a wire position can be taken with corresponding function;
x = op.expectX(q, (0,)) # <q|X|q> at wire 0
y = op.expectY(q, (1,)) # <q|Y|q> at wire 1
z = op.expectZ(q, (2,)) # <q|Z|q> at wire 2
Convert to State-Vector Representation#
State-Vector representation is a 1d vector with size of 2**(qubits)
For 2 qubits, the values are probability amplitudes of [|00>, |01>, |10>, |11>]
sv = op.to_state(q)